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What qualifies as trademark infringement?

Trademark infringement is defined as the unauthorized use of a trademark or service mark. This use may be related to...

How do you evaluate a trademark infringement?

The Lapp test is the standard used to determine if there is a risk of confusion between two trademarks. Under the Lanham...

What is the most important function of a trademark?

The main purpose of a brand is to avoid unfair competition between companies that use consumer confusion to get more...

What are the different types of trademarks with examples?

A trademark provides legal protection for a word, symbol, phrase, logo, design, or combination of those that represent a...

What are the two main claims in trademark infringement?

Fair use occurs when a descriptive mark is used in good faith for its primary, rather than secondary, meaning and the...

What is trademark and types?

A trademark provides legal protection for a word, symbol, phrase, logo, design, or combination of those that represent a...

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What are 3 things that determine trademark infringement?

What are 3 things that determine trademark infringement?

Therefore, use, trade, and likelihood of confusion are three distinct elements necessary to establish a trademark...

What are the types of trademarks?

What are the types of trademarks?

Product trademarks fall into five categories. In general terms, these marks can be a generic brand, a descriptive brand,...

What are 2 examples of trademark?

What are 2 examples of trademark?

It can even be a sound, a scent, or a color. DOMINO LOGO for hot pizza tarts.

What are the two types of trademarks?

What are the two types of trademarks?

Product trademarks fall into five categories. In general terms, these marks can be a generic brand, a descriptive brand,...

What are the elements of trademark infringement?

What are the elements of trademark infringement?

Therefore, use, trade, and likelihood of confusion are three distinct elements necessary to establish a trademark...

What is the main purpose of trademark law?

What is the main purpose of trademark law?

Provides legal protection for your brand. It helps protect you against counterfeiting and fraud.